
Collections: Vintage Postcards from Europe

While unpacking boxes from Joan's house, I discovered two fat paper sacks filled with vintage postcards from Europe. I'm not sure if Joan collected them on a trip to Europe to see my mother, or if my mother collected them while living in Europe. Either way, the colors are incredible and perfect for a Monday morning when the weather is so gloomy that I can't stage a photo shoot without turning on every light in the house! Capri





Aren't the colors brilliant? Which one is your favorite?

Collections: English teacups


Today's collection comes courtesy of a long weekend spent opening boxes that belonged to Joan and her mother, Elsie. They have been in storage for the past two years since we sold Joan's home in California, so the last three days have been a bit like Christmas morning around here! These sweet English teacups belonged to Elsie and were once displayed in her living room in Palos Verdes, California. I am toying with the idea of displaying them in a similar fashion, as they are perfectly lovely and remind me of my great-grandmother and my English upbringing. If you followed my very first blog, then you know I have always had a soft spot for Painted Pink Roses...

Stay tuned to see where they end up!

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All photos by Gerald & Joan.

Collections: vintage buttons


Until recently, every lady owned a sewing machine, a large assortment of thread and a vast collection of buttons and fabrics. For this reason, a visit to an estate sale or antique mall will likely yield at least one collection of vintage buttons. For those who appreciate pretty treasures from the past, buttons make good collectibles because they are inexpensive, small and unique. Plus, they can be used to decorate jewelry, clothing and even handmade cards! My collection belonged to Joan and my great-grandmother, Elsie, and I display them in a crystal candy dish where I enjoy them every day. They clearly spent their past lives donning jazzy suits, baby clothes and other lovely garments. The colors and details are just perfect, and each one is a family heirloom in its own right.

Do you have any vintage buttons in your possession? Did they belong to family members or did you find them on an antiquing treasure hunt?

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Collections: Birds


Birds have been popular in home design throughout history. In our home, most of our birds are mid-century hand-me-downs from Joan and her mother, Elsie. Regardless of a home's style (vintage, rustic, traditional or modern), birds add a touch of whimsy. Here are some easy ways to incorporate birds to your home decor:

1. Pick up some bird books from your local bookstore. 2. Visit Etsy and search for birds. There are thousands of options from jewelry to art to ceramics to crafts. 3. Ceramic birds and linens are easily sourced from flea markets, antique malls and estate sales. If you prefer new, Anthropologie often carries cute options. 4. Attend local art sales to search for artists who use birds in their work. 5. Purchase bird-inspired stationery. You can order our bird stationery here. 6. Visit your local garden center to shop for yard art or a wind chime that features birds. If you prefer the real thing, you might consider a bird feeder, house or bath.

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For more bird inspiration, visit our Going to the Birds Pinterest Board.

Do you use birds in your home decor?